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DMU Signed the MoU with STIP


On May 30, a delegation of DMU teachers and students on board YUKUN visited Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran, Indonesia (STIP). Vice President Liu Zhengjiang signed the MoU with STIP on behalf of DMU.

In the next five years, the two universities will cooperate in many fields, including student and teacher exchange, maritime co-cultivation programs, and regular communications on course and training.



On the signing ceremony of MoU, Liu Zhengjiang thanked STIP’s reception and pointed out the need of maritime institutional cooperation facing global competitions.

STIP President Sahattua extended a warm welcome to the guest and looked forward to further cooperation between the two universities.

Secretary-General of Indonesian Ministry of Transport Agus P. Saptono said that the signing of MoU is only a new start. Effective cooperation will benefit not only maritime education, but also economic and social development of the two countries.

