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DMU Signed the MoU with ITS


On June 4, a delegation of DMU teachers and students on board YUKUN visited Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). Vice President Liu Zhengjiang signed the MoU with ITS on behalf of DMU. The two universities will cooperate in fields including student and teacher exchange, maritime co-cultivation programs, and regular communications on course and training.



On the signing ceremony, Liu Zhengjiang thanked ITS’s reception and introduced DMU briefly. ITS and DMU have similar subject and major setups and have both made outstanding achievements in research. Future cooperation between the two universities in cultivation, research, rule-making, and cultural communication will contribute to the development of global shipping industry.


ITS Vice President K. Buda extended a warm welcome to the guest and introduced ITS and its cooperation and exchange with Chinese universities in detail. K. Buda wished to deepen schools’ communication, develop teacher and student exchange, co-cultivation program and short-term program in order to enhance both schools’ education and teaching quality.

