From 23-24 September, Dalian Maritime University (DMU) hosted the 2023 International Maritime Education Conference themed “Emerging Technology: Empowering Maritime Education and Sustainable Shipping Industry”, which brought together over 100 professionals from 42 maritime universities and international organizations across 18 countries.

DMU President Prof. SHAN Hongjun opened the conference and delivered the welcoming remarks. He extended a sincere welcome to all guests. In his opening remarks, he emphasized the need for maritime education and training to actively adapt to new trends, new technologies and new changes. He hoped that this conference could build a platform for exchange in the international shipping community, explore new ideas for sustainable shipping development, and achieve a shared future with common responsibility.

IMO Secretary General Mr. Kitack Lim delivered an address at the opening ceremony. He pointed out that education and training should encompass the latest development and emerging technology. “Let us work together to secure a brighter future of all maritime personnel and industry,” he said. In his address, he also recognized the contribution of the Chinese government to the sustainable development of the shipping industry, and introduced new development of the maritime industry.

In his address at the opening ceremony, Mr. LIU Jianjun, Vice Director-general of Foreign Affairs Office of Dalian Municipal People’s Government, introduced Dalian’s important position as an international shipping center and an international logistics center in northern China from the aspects of location conditions, industrial base, opening advantages and environmental bearing. He expected DMU, as a world-renowned maritime university, to make important contributions to Dalian’s integration into the construction of the “Belt and Road” and its construction to be a strong marine city.

The opening ceremony was chaired by DMU Vice President, Prof. Zhao Youtao.

The keynote speech session was chaired by Prof. Ajith Peiris, President of CINEC Campus, Sri Lanka. WMU President Prof. Maximo Mejia, DMU Vice President Prof. ZHAO Youtao, Gdynia Maritime University President & Chair of IAMU Prof. Adam Weintrit, Shanghai Maritime University Vice President Prof. SHI Xin, IAMU Executive Director Prof. Takeshi Nakazawa, Wuhan University of Technology Deputy Secretary Prof. ZHAO Jing, Vice Dean of the Navigation College of Jimei University Prof. YANG Shenhua delivered keynote speeches on education, training and capacity-building for the implementation of global maritime standards, improving the maritime education system and building a model for cultivating outstanding maritime talents, the future in marine shipping and a balanced reaction of the maritime education sector to technology development, exploring the missions of maritime education in the new era of shipping power, the role of maritime universities in a transitional period, promoting digitization of education and accelerating innovation in maritime education, construction and practice on multi-dimension and stereoscopic training system for high quality navigation talents.
This conference is divided into three sessions, namely “Chances and Challenges of New Technologies in Maritime Education”, “Low-Carbon and Sustainable Shipping & International Maritime Education”, and “Exchange and Cooperation on International Maritime Education”. More than 20 participants from 18 countries, including but not limited to Finland, Croatia, the United States, Egypt, Georgia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, the Philippines, Vietnam, India, and Malaysia.

Session 1 was chaired by Prof. Proshanto Mukherjee, foreign expert of DMU. The following 9 esteemed presidents shared their opinions:
(1) Prof. Ronald Raymond, CEO of John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University, in the Philippines;
(2) Prof. ZOU Cairong, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Guangzhou Maritime University;
(3) Prof. Sonia Roca, Chancello of Universidad del Pacífico Ecuador;
(4) Prof. WU Lihua, President of Jiangsu Shipping College;
(5) Prof. Razali Bin Yaacob, Chairman of Netherlands Maritime University College in Malaysia;
(6) Prof. YE Ning, Vice President of Tianjin University of Technology;
(7) Prof. Ganapathy Thiruvasagam, Pro-Chancellor of Academy of Maritime Education and Training University in India;
(8) Prof. SUI Jianghua, Dean of School of Navigation and Marine Engineering, Dalian Ocean University; and
(9) Prof. Angelica Baylon, Director of External Relations Office of Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific.

Session 2 was chaired by Prof. ZHANG Renping from DMU. Speakers from this session included:
(1) Prof. Ismail Farag, President of Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport;
(2) Prof. Pham Xuan Duong, President of Vietnam Maritime University;
(3) Prof. CHEN Xiaoqin, Vice President of Jiangsu Maritime Institute;
(4) Prof. George Gabedava, Deputy Rector of Batumi Navigation Teaching University in Georgia;
(5) Prof. ZHOU Mingshun, Vice President of Qingdao Ocean Shipping Mariner’s College;
(6) Prof. Riitta Tempakka, Dean of Faculty of Logistics and Maritime Technology, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences in Finland;
(7) Prof. CHOI Jin-Chul, Dean of Office of International Affairs, National Korea Maritime and Ocean University;
(8) Pro. ZHENG Pengjun, Dean of Faculty of Maritime and Transportation, Ningbo University; and
(9) Prof. Vlado Francic, Vice Dean of Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka.

Session 3 was chaired by Prof. ZHANG Jinlei, Dean of International Collaboration College at DMU. Speakers from this session included:
(1) Prof. JIANG Huaping, Vice President of Shandong Jiatong University;
(2) Prof. Suan Jow TAN, Dean of MPA Academy, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore;
(3) Prof. Qi CHEN, from Massachusetts Maritime Academy;
(4) Prof. Wan Mohd Norsani Bin Wan Nik, Dean of Faculty of Maritime Studies, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu;
(5) Prof. Kondappan Saravanan, Registrar of Indian Maritime University;
(6) Prof. JIA Baozhu, Dean of Naval Architecture and Shipping College, Guangdong Ocean University;
(7) Prof. Lalith Edirisinghe, Dean of Faculty Management and Social Sciences, Colombo International Nautical and Engineering College; and
(8) Prof. Murai Koji, from Department of Maritime Systems Engineering, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology.

At last, Prof. MA Mingfei, Director of DMU International Cooperation and Exchange Office, delivered concluding remarks. He expressed gratitude to all the participants for their contributions and support, and hoped that this conference will demonstrate a spirit of unity and cooperation and mark a new beginning for us to work together for the international maritime education and global shipping industry.