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DMU Vice-President Sun Peiting Visited Sri Lanka


From July 18 to 20, DMU Vice-President Sun Peiting led a delegation to Sri Lanka for a working visit.

During the visit, the delegation attended the 2018 Convocation of DMUs Sri Lanka campus, visited Colombo International Nautical and Engineering College (CINEC) and Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Sri Lanka, and Colombo International Container Terminals Ltd. (CICT).


On the afternoon of July 18, Vice-President Sun Peiting granted diplomas to 34 graduates.


On the evening of July 18, the delegation had in-depth exchanges with the officials of CINEC on the problems existed in cooperation and how to expand cooperation. 


On the morning of July 19, the delegation visited Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Sri Lanka, and had in-depth communication with the ambassador Cheng Xueyuan. Mr. Cheng thanked DMU for its contribution to the cultural communication between China and Sri Lanka.

On the afternoon of July 19, the delegation visited CICT, and talked with its Chinese managers, and had field visit to Colombo International Container Terminal.

On the afternoon of July 20, Prof. Zeng Qingcheng (Dean of the School of Maritime Economics and Management, DMU) gave a lecture titled “Research on Port and Logistics System of 21st Century Maritime Silk Road”, which was well received by the teachers and students.

During the visit, the delegation also randomly inspected the teaching materials of the joint programs, including training plan, syllabus, textbook, text paper, undergraduate students original oral defense record, etc., attended some classes and talked with students and teachers.

